SR&ED Books and Videos

If you are looking to increase your SR&ED knowledge we can point you in the right direction.
Below you will find some links to books on the topic, available for online ordering.
For Practitioners
Dorombozi, Ron. (2015). “Concepts and Strategy for an SR&ED Practitioner: A Primer to the Canada Revenue Agency’s Scientific Research and Experimental Development Program.” CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform; 1st edition. 218 pages.
This book seeks to explain SR&ED issues such as program eligibility, documentation, technical writing, financial topics, how to file a claim, and how to survive a review. His target audience is new graduates and professionals looking to familiarize themselves with the program in order to produce better claims, more easily understood and more readily accepted by the CRA.
Sweeny, Terrance A. (2007). “Maximizing Corporate Tax Incentives for Scientific Research and Experimental Development.” LexisNexis Canada. (pages unavailable)
This book contains examples of forms to be filled out as well as helpful appendices such as significant SR&ED cases and articles from 1987 to 2007.
Note: There have been several significant changes to the SR&ED program since the time of writing.
For Managers
Bélanger, Lucie, (2014). “The Canadian SR&ED Tax Incentives Handbook.” Wolters Kluwer 2nd Edition. (pages unavailable)
This manual provides practical tools to accountants, tax experts, lawyers and scientists interested in learning about and applying for the SR&ED tax credit.
Siddiqui, Zafar & Siddiqui, Zak. (2011). “The Z-book on Scientific Research & Experimental Development: Deserving is Not Enough.” iUniverse Self Publishing Company. 144 pages.
Written with the executive in mind, this book provides an overview of the SR&ED program and why it is important for organizations to determine eligibility so they don’t lose out on potential tax credits.
For Academics
Doern, Bruce; Castle, Peter; and Phillips, Peter WB. (2016). “Canadian Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy.” McGill University Press. 464 pages
An overall look at Canada’s level of competitiveness in the fields of science and technology. In addition, this book provides an overview of key government departments involved in science, technology and innovation. Further, delving into the political sphere, the authors provide information for academics and practitioners regarding science advice across prime ministerial eras.
Cauchi, Laura. (2014). “Driving Innovation.” Lambert Academic Publishing. 224 pages
Using a public consultation process in 2007 – 2008, Cauchi sought to determine how SR&ED applications influenced, or were influenced by public policy interests and knowledge-producing industries in science & technology. This appears to be more academic in nature than an assistive tool in applying for the SR&ED tax credit.
Canada Revenue Agency
The following videos are part of a short series created by the CRA to give a very brief overview of some common SR&ED topics. These short clips do not replace the in-depth knowledge of a professional SR&ED consultant.
Who can claim SR&ED tax incentives? (2014)
What work qualifies for SR&ED tax incentives? (2014)
How do you calculate your SR&ED expenditures and investment tax credit? (2014)
How to apply for SR&ED tax incentives? (2014)
Other Videos
SRED Stakeholder Videos is a non-profit group working with SR&ED tax credits in Canada. Their primary audience is tax preparation professionals, SR&ED claimants and other SR&ED industry groups. Membership is free, please visit their website.
Introduction and Worldwide R&D Statistics (2017)
Hon. Donald G.H. Bowman – intro by Todd Louie (2017)
(Hon. Donald Bowman is a former Chief Justice of Canada and has extensive experience in tax law. Todd Louie is Director of Taxation & Technology of The Sheldon Group, specializing in SR&ED claims.)
Hon. Donald G.H. Bowman – Strategies for SR&ED tax appeals (2017)