Attend the “Avoiding Common Errors with SR&ED Forms” Webinar (and earn a PD hour)
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Join SREDucation’s founder and industry expert Elizabeth Lance, MA, at 10am on November 27th, 2015 for a webinar focusing on common scenarios when applying to the Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) tax incentive program. Please note that this webinar will not be recorded and is only available at the date and time shown above.
The “Avoiding Common Errors with SR&ED Forms” webinar will guide participants through the practical application of financial policies, drawing from relevant Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) policy documents and guides. Ms. Lance will then use an example SR&ED scenario to complete SR&ED-related tax forms using TaxPrep software.
The topics covered in this webinar include:
Section A: SR&ED Project Costs, Definitions, and Determinations
- SR&ED Salaries or Wages
- Prescribed Proxy Amount
- Materials for SR&ED
- Contract Expenditures
- Assistance and Contract Payments
- Overhead and Other Expenditures
Section B: TaxPrep Walk-through
- Important Corporate Information
- Schedule 32 – T661 – Claim for SR&ED
- Schedule 30 – T1263 – Third-party payments for SR&ED
- Schedule 60 – T661 Part 2 – Project information
- Schedule 508 – Ontario Research and Development Tax Credit
- Schedule 566 – Ontario Innovation Tax Credit
- Schedule 31 – Investment Tax Credit – Corporations
- Other Issues
This course is being hosted by AJAG Professional Development. From their website:
Founded in 2003 by Jonathan A. Tucker, CPA CA and Ivan M. Tabac, CPA, CA, CFP, AJAG Professional Development is dedicated to making broad-based, flexible and reasonably-priced professional development courses available to accountants and other financial advisory professionals
AJAG features a roster of highly-qualified instructors to deliver content that is pertinent, up-to-date and engaging. Based in Richmond Hill, Ontario, AJAG offers courses in several different locations – Oakville, Markham and Toronto.
We invite you to view our catalogue of courses and programs, and hope that you will allow us to become your main source of continuing professional development.
Join our founder and SR&ED maven Elizabeth Lance on Friday, November 27th at 10am as she uses her years of experience to guide you through the SR&ED application process. Again, please note that this webinar will not be recorded and will only be available during the web stream.